Parashah B’shallach

This week’s Torah Parashah is B’shallach, which means “After He Had Let Go”.  The Parashah  picks up with the Pharaoh allowing the children of Israel to leave Egypt. Changing his mind, he chases after them to force their return.  The children of Israel are thhlouc8v8literally between a rock (Mt. Sinai) and a hard place (the Egyptian army). G-d instructs Moses to raise his staff over the water splitting it in two to allow the Israelites to pass through, and then closing it up over the Egyptians. Moses, and the children of Israel, sing a song of praise to G0d.

During their journey, they suffer from thirst, hunger, and repeatedly complain to Moses and Aaron.  G‑d miraculously sweetens the bitter waters of Marah, and later tells Moses to bring forth water from a rock by striking it with his staff.  G-d gives manna from heaven before dawn each morning and quails in the evening. The children of Israel are instructed to gather a double portion of manna on Friday because of Shabbat, the day of rest.

Reading Schedule:

  • Monday – Exodus 13:17 – 14:17, Luke 2:22-24, John 6:25-35
  • Tuesday – Exodus 14:18 – 15:18, Judges 4:4 – 5:31,
  • Wednesday – Exodus 15:19 – 16:18, John 19:31-37
  • Thursday – Exodus 16:19 – 17:16, 1 Corthinans 10:1-13
  • Friday – 2 Corthinans 8:1-15, Revelations 15:1-4

Activities to Complete:

  1. Outline the Parashah. Complete Hebrew lesson.
  2. Complete the Parashah sequencing sheets.
  3. Make a map of the Exodus route.
  4. Complete YMTOI exercise Seeking Treasure Together Fill-In the Blank
  5. Complete YMTOI craft.
  6. Copy and memorize YMTOI memory verse – Exodus 15:2
  7. Put together your lapbook.




Questions to be Answered:

  1. Review: What were the ten plagues? Research: What is the meaning of the plagues and what Egyptian god was targeted with each plague? Make a booklet for your lapbook with this answer.
  2. What is the feast of Unleavened Bread? What are the spiritual meanings of the feast?What is the feast an image of? Why is it important to those who believe in Jesus? Design a graphic for your lapbook with the answer to this question.
  3. Were G-d’s people keeping the feast during the time of the apostles? (Matt. 16:17, Luke 22:1, and Acts 12:3; 20:6).
  4. What does Paul urge in 1 Corthinans 5:8?
  5. The children of Israel left on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Who was leading them? Where did he lead them to? (Exodus 14:17–22)
  6. What did Pharaoh decided to do? Were the Israelites afraid? What did Moses tell the children of Israel? How did G-d deliver the Israelites?
  7. What was the Israelites’ response as a result of their victory?

Blessings from our family to yours as we study this week’s Parashah!


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