The Talking Tree

I read today in My Daily Bread a reflection upon the poem “The Dream of the Rood“.  It’s a very poignant poem of the crucifixion told from the point of view of the cross.  The author of the devotion likened the tree in the poem with the tree of forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.  When the fruit was eaten by our parents, Adam and Eve, it allowed sin to enter into G-d’s perfect creation. Consequently, Jesus, in accordance to G-d’s plan, shed his blood on the cross as the final sacrifice to cover all the sins of humanity. thcqg6v142

The cross is the evidence that G-d loves us and wants us to be reconciled to him. The cross is where G-d chose to give His first fruit as a sacrifice for us.  The cross is where we are broken and humbled.  The cross is the point at which we turned from our sinful ways and were adopted into G-d’s family. The cross is where we submit and become obedient to G-d.  The cross symbolizes our redemption and deliverance.  The cross is where our pesach occurs. Through the cross we are protected  from G-d’s just judgement.

The cross means so much to me that words can not accurately convey my feelings.  I cling to the cross. The cross is my hope. I am overwhelmed when I think the creator and sustainer of the universe wants a relationship with me. He loves me unconditionally. This is truly amazing,  overwhelming, and often I’m moved to tears by it.

If you are without hope. If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior please seek Him.  It is my prayer that you will submit your life to Him.





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